Saturday, March 27, 2010

About a Daily Soap called Kashi

Yes i too represent the "modern" youth of india and i too find it cool to say that daily soaps suck, those are just for people who have nothing better to do.  But most of us modern people jump at the idea of landing a role in one of them.  The reason being instant stardom.  The impact of today's television is immense and it has become the most powerful medium of entertainment in 21st century.

But I am not writing this blog to go ga-ga over television.  I write this to share an amazing experience i was fortunate to experience called Kashi.  I was just surfing through the channels when i saw a setup which looked like one of the short stories that i had written.  A girl and her mother are traveling across a barren land.  Their throats parched with thirst.  After miles of walking into endless lands, they found a well filled with water.  How their souls would have filled with joy, only Santiago could have told after he found his treasure.

Mother started drinking the water and when her belly wasnt even fully satisfied, somebody shouts and tells them that the water from this well is poisonous, cant you read the sign.  They couldnt coz both mother and daughter couldnt read or write.

Back home, mother becomes severely ill and her husband is told by doctor that she wont last long.  She makes her husband pledge that their daughter wont be illiterate like her and that he will send their daughter to school.  Daughter also promises mom that she will study hard.  Mother dies.

Girl being from lower caste is admitted in school, only after school administration received a letter from education minister.  Girl super excited that she will get to study, goes to school only to find that school is empty.  All students are now hesitant to come to school because they cant study under the same roof with a girl from lower caste.  Girl is given 2 choices, whether to study alone or let others study.  Obviously, she chose the latter option.  But she is scared to tell this to her father, who is supportive of her studying.

The girl who plays Kashi has carved her character so well that you fall in love with her and feel for her the moment you see her on screen.  Story isnt slow paced at all and it conveys such a strong message that it made me write this blog just to forward the message further on.

Yes, I saw a daily soap.  But for the first time i am feeling good to admit it.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Being Human

So, finally we took the baby dog to the vet.  It was relieving to find out that he doesnt have any major medical illness, just some calcium deficiency and some worms in his stomach.  It was really a humbling experience.  As for me, i might have done it to impress someone, but Kajal was a real sport. she had no such intentions, still she did it and did more than me (That dog pissed on her as well). But she didnt complain.  This shows how great a person she is.

We all see many great people who come on television who are doing many great things, like fighting for people who are being moved coz government wants to build dam on their land, many are involved in saving tigers, some have devoted their lives for the poor and needy, some have quit their multi-million jobs abroad and are settled in a farm helping farmers, all these stories make u wonder that have u no talent or motivation or humanity within yourself that you are not doing anything.

Today, i did a very simple thing of providing a needy dog with medicines and food, but still it was an overwhelming experience.  Now, i can imagine where those great people get energy and motivation from to go beyond human capabilities and devote their lives for beings who need them. 

Humanity is a very big word in its true sense.  Most of  us, including me, dont know what humanity is all about, what is the power of Being a Human, but incidents like today make you realize that god has gifted us with immense powers.  All we need to do is to channelize it for something bigger, something better than what we are doing now.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Angel with four legs and dreamy eyes

Yesterday while walking on a road, me and Kajal, one of my best friends, encountered a dog baby, with some problems, which we were not able to understand.  Kajal's conclusion was that his front right leg is hurt and he is unable to bear weight on that.  She seemed right.  I contacted Charu, the girl of my dreams, asked her for help.  She told me to feed him some milk and see if he is drinking that.  We did so.  He drank the milk.  She suggested we take him to the vet and get him cured.  Though i myself am not that enthusiastic about taking him to the vet, but she wanted this done, so i had too.  I must confess that when i saw that poor dog baby, i felt very bad for his condition and i almost cried.  My mom says no to this, but for the last month i have made a pledge to do things which i have promised to any one to do.  So, i will take him to the vet.  I hope he gets well....

The New Me From Today

I cant tell how happy and confident i am feeling right now, the movie Julie and Julia has had great effects on me.  Though movie portrays two strong women and I am a man, still i am glad that i watched this movie.  Coz with mom being outstation, i was feeling kind of devoid of food, thinking all day what to eat and what not to eat, but I am changed now, Julia Child learnt to cut vegetables in one day by cutting veggies all night long, if she can do it, why cant i learn to make chapatis or rotis as we call it.  I am going to make chapatis until i learn to do it perfectly, and this is a pledge.